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Are Oats Gluten Free?

are oats gluten free

It is a common question, and unfortunately, the answers are less than straightforward. But actually, are oats gluten free?

A popular cereal grain, oats are often considered to be the ideal gluten-free choice, and many of us believe that as long as the oats are labelled as being gluten-free then we do not need to worry. We are aware of the cross-contamination issues of processing and have learned to always read the label. Job done, right?

Oats are no longer just about porridge or the odd sneaky flapjack. They are now big gluten-free business and are absolutely everywhere. In fact, oat flour and oat milk top the list of everyone’s favourite food substitutes, largely as a gluten-free swap.

So what’s the problem?

Before we talk about gluten in oats, let’s first take a proper look at gluten and the issues that surround it.

What is gluten, exactly?

The term gluten refers to two types of proteins, specifically prolamins and glutelins, which are found in wheat and other grains. These proteins interact to create a glue-like consistency when flour is combined with water. It’s this unique characteristic that gives dough its elasticity and helps baked goods maintain their shape and texture.

Among the prolamins, the most common ones causing sensitivities are gliadins in wheat, secalins in rye, and hordeins in barley. Together, these three grains are considered to be the gluten-containing grains. Interestingly though, oats also contain a prolamin protein known as avenin.

The gluten structure in grains differs significantly, which is why bread made from wheat flour has a different texture compared to bread made solely with rye or barley. The variation in the structure of prolamins is also a factor. This helps to explain why some individuals might find wheat more inflammatory than other gluten-containing grains.

Explaining gluten sensitivity

The concept of gluten sensitivity was once largely confined to those with coeliac disease. The rise of gluten-free foods was driven entirely by the growing needs of the coeliac community.

The widely accepted definition of coeliac disease is ‘an immune response triggered by the gluten proteins in the Triticeae family of grains’. Namely, wheat, barley and rye. The guidelines and regulations surrounding gluten-free products were developed with these specifics of coeliac disease in mind.

According to this definition, oats shouldn’t trigger reactions in people with coeliac disease. And, generally speaking, most individuals with coeliac disease can tolerate oats. This is why grains like rice, oats, and corn are labelled as gluten-free, even though, in theory, oats do contain gluten proteins.

Gluten sensitivity is on the rise

Yet sensitivity to gluten goes beyond coeliac disease. If the defining factor of a true cereal grain is the presence of prolamines, then surely it follows that there is gluten in all grains. We aren’t making this up purely to shoehorn a half-baked theory. Far more individuals are now showing sensitivity to more than just the big 3. Some are coeliacs; many are not.

The gluten found in all true grains can potentially trigger a reaction, although each type of grain affects individuals differently. Rice is often perceived as a particularly gentle option, but some individuals can still experience inflammatory responses to it. Similarly, corn, which frequently appears in gluten-free foods like pasta or bread, has a high protein content that can lead to sensitivities in many people.

Despite their common use as alternatives, it’s important to recognize the potential for these grains to cause issues for certain individuals.

It’s clear now that something considered safe for many individuals with coeliac disease might still provoke a reaction in those with a gluten allergy or sensitivity. Additionally, the reasons why people look for gluten-free products or information aren’t always limited to our current definitions and understanding.

Can you eat oats if you are gluten-free?

As we have seen, oats are often labelled as gluten-free, but they can still pose a risk for individuals with celiac disease or severe gluten sensitivities. The confusion often arises because oats themselves do not contain gluten; rather, they contain avenin, a protein that is similar to gluten.

Avenin, a protein found in oats, might cause reactions in individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, but this isn’t always the case. If you’re sensitive to oats, it could be specifically due to avenin or possibly contamination from other grains—or even a combination of these factors.

Cross-contamination of gluten proteins can happen when oats come into contact with other grains containing gluten during growth, transport, or processing. Oats that are labelled as gluten-free have been rigorously tested to ensure they are free from gluten contamination. But as we mentioned before, these tests specifically look for gliadin, secalin, and hordein, and do not screen for avenin.

In Australia, there is no option to label oats as gluten-free, but they can be marketed as certified wheat-free.

Are Australian rolled oats gluten free?

In Australia, oats cannot be labelled as “gluten-free” under current food standards due to the possibility of cross-contamination with gluten-containing grains during processing. However, products labelled as “wheat-free” oats are cultivated and processed separately to minimize this risk. For those with celiac disease or a high sensitivity to gluten, it’s critical to consult healthcare providers before consuming oats to ensure they align with dietary requirements.

So it follows with gluten free cereals. Any breakfast cereal in Australia that is labelled gluten-free should not contain oats.

Our bestselling gluten-free granola is a super crunchy blend that contains quinoa, buckwheat, puffed rice and sorghum.

A final word

For our final word today we would like to drive home a point about gluten and following a gluten-free diet.

Food sensitivities, and the specific topic of gluten, are deeply complex. First and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge the numerous benefits that grains can offer. Our goal isn’t to demonize any particular food, and if you’re thinking about cutting something out of your diet, it should be for a good reason. Read our article about what makes a healthy breakfast.

Oats are an excellent source of nutrition and should not be dismissed lightly. An intolerance to avenin alone is not particularly common, so most gluten-sensitive people are fine with certified wheat-free oats.

Our jumbo wholegrain rolled oats are certified organic but not certified wheat-free. Why not explore our full range of healthy cereals, there’s something delicious to suit everyone.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Healthy Cereal Wholesaler”.
See original article:- Are Oats Gluten Free?

Is There Gluten in Potatoes?

gluten in potatoes

The answer to the question ‘Is there gluten in potatoes’ may be more complex than you think. A potato itself does not contain any gluten. Yet as with many foods (and other products), the problem lies in the processing.

Alongside grains, potatoes have received a bad press, and not just from the anti-carb brigade. But just how warranted is this vilification of such a valuable staple food?

Are Potatoes Gluten-Free?

Potatoes, in their natural, unprocessed form, are entirely gluten-free. Gluten is a protein commonly found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, but not in potatoes, which are tubers.

The confusion often arises because although potatoes do not contain gluten, they contain starches that can make them sticky when cooked; a property referred to as glutinous. We see the same confusion arising with rice. You can read more about gluten in rice in our article ‘Is rice gluten-free’. Potatoes are even classified by their starch content, from starchy to waxy.

This makes potatoes a safe and nutritious option for those following a gluten-free diet, including individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The versatility of potatoes, from boiling and baking to mashing and frying, allows them to be included in a wide range of dishes without the concern of gluten intake.

Yet, it is not that straightforward. Alongside processing, there is also the nutritional impact of eating potatoes. Which, contrary to popular belief, is not all bad, yet is not without issues. Let’s first stay on topic, looking at gluten in potatoes, and then consider their place in the overall diet.

Potato-Based Products and Gluten

Potatoes are one of the very few vegetables that we never eat raw. But when cooked they are one of the most versatile ingredients around. When we talk about potato products, there are two forms of processing. There is the simple act of cooking and creating dishes (whether by ourselves or others) and then there is the commercial processing of these dishes.

Although some potato dishes constitute a meal in themselves, most often they are something that we serve on the side. Many of these have made their way into the ever-growing lexicon of ultra-processed foods. Potato products are possibly the most popular form of frozen food.

Most potato dishes cooked from scratch are made without gluten, yet their commercially processed counterparts are rarely gluten-free. Let’s consider some popular potato dishes.

Mashed Potatoes

At home, mashed potatoes are made by mashing boiled potatoes and adding butter with maybe milk or cream.

Ready-made mash, or mash in a restaurant, should be made similarly so should not contain gluten. But, always check the label or ask the kitchen.

French Fries and Chips

Homemade chips and french fries are made by frying chips in oil, or now more commonly cooking in an air fryer. However they are made, chips generally contain two ingredients; potato and fat or oil.

Of all the frozen foods we may buy, frozen chips are the most common. But trying to find a gluten-free chip is getting increasingly more difficult. Most products now use wheat flour as a coating to help them stay crisp.

Restaurants are less likely to add gluten to their fries, but it is always worth asking.

Potato Crisps

And let’s not forget crisps. A favourite snack, more often bought than prepared at home, crisps are again the result of frying potatoes in oil. Most ready-salted varieties are gluten-free, but beyond that, you will need to check the label. The flavourings and seasonings may not only contain a whole cocktail of chemicals but may also contain gluten and gluten derivatives.

Baked Potatoes

Baked potatoes are as close to the real thing as you can get. And as such are gluten-free. Even those ridiculously priced and (no more convenient) frozen versions are likely to be gluten-free.

Toppings however may be another story.

Potato Skins

Deep-fried potato skins are just hollowed-out baked potatoes, deep-fried in hot oil. You should always check the label of commercially prepared varieties, and as with baked potatoes be mindful of any toppings.

Hash Browns

Hash browns are another potato dish we rarely prepare from scratch at home. A compressed patty of grated potato, these are usually fried in hot oil, or oven-baked. Most commercial varieties are gluten-free but it pays to check the label.

Roasted Potatoes

Roast potatoes should contain nothing but potato, salt and oil or fat. But even the homemade variety has, in recent years, become less likely to be gluten-free. As a shortcut to a guaranteed crispy crunchy exterior, many roast potato recipes involve tossing the par-boiled potatoes in semolina before roasting them in the oven; a completely unnecessary shortcut.

Frozen ‘roasties’ have followed suit, suffering the same fate as frozen chips. Most will now contain gluten, so you should always check the label.

Potato Wedges

Potato wedges became the home cook’s answer to chips. Before air fryers, and in response to the various dangers of deep frying, we started cutting unpeeled potatoes into wedges, tossing them in a light coat of oil, and baking them in the oven.

Most frozen potato wedges are tossed in a chemical concoction of seasonings that may or may not involve gluten.


Homemade gnocchi is traditionally made with wheat flour. And most commercially processed, and restaurant made, will follow suit.

There are gluten-free options available, that will be labelled as gluten-free. Gnocchi can also be made successfully at home using gluten-free flour alternatives. You can learn more in our in-depth guide to gluten-free flour.

Potato Salad

Potato salad is another popular potato side dish and, made at home without mayonnaise, has some surprising health credentials in the form of resistant starch. Making potato salad without mayonnaise will reduce the calorie count, but many commercial mayonnaise brands are not gluten-free.

Store-bought potato salad may or may not contain gluten, but is generally packed with other nasties associated with ultra-processed foods.

Top Tips for Choosing Gluten-Free Potato Products

  1. Always Read Labels: The key to selecting gluten-free potato products is diligently reading labels. Look for any gluten-containing ingredients or allergen warnings.
  2. Choose Whole, Unprocessed Potatoes: Whenever possible, opt for whole, unprocessed potatoes. These are naturally gluten-free and can be prepared in numerous healthy ways at home.
  3. Check Seasonings and Coatings: Frozen or pre-packaged potato products often come with seasonings or coatings. Verify these components are gluten-free.
  4. Be Wary of Cross-Contamination: Even if a potato product is inherently gluten-free, cross-contamination in manufacturing or during preparation can occur. This is especially true in restaurants.
  5. Inquire About Preparation Methods: When dining out, don’t hesitate to ask how the potato dishes are prepared. Some cooking methods might introduce gluten.
  6. DIY When Possible: Making potato dishes from scratch allows full control over the ingredients, ensuring they remain gluten-free.
  7. Use Gluten-Free Substitutes: For potato dishes that usually contain gluten, like gnocchi, look for recipes or products that use gluten-free flour alternatives.

Potatoes as Part of a Healthy Balanced Diet

Finding balance in any diet restricting certain foods or food groups can be notoriously difficult. This is why it is recommended that you only eliminate certain foods if absolutely necessary, or at least with careful consideration of all the angles.

There can be a tendency (especially in a gluten-free diet) to over-rely on the foods you are allowed as a substitute for some of those you are not. But overconsumption of any food group is partly where many of our food-related issues lie. Simply switching from overeating bread to overeating rice or potatoes is not ideal.

Incorporating potatoes into a healthy balanced diet can be done thoughtfully and nutritiously with a few guiding principles.

Opt for Baking, Boiling, or Steaming: Choose healthier cooking methods like baking, boiling, or steaming instead of deep-frying. These methods preserve the nutritional content of potatoes while minimising fat intake.

Mind the Toppings: Be mindful of what you add to your potatoes. Opt for low-fat, healthy toppings like Greek yoghurt, fresh herbs, or steamed vegetables instead of high-calorie, high-fat options like butter, cheese, and sour cream.

Balance Your Plate: Make sure potatoes are part of a balanced meal. Pair them with lean proteins such as chicken, fish, or legumes, and a generous portion of green vegetables for a well-rounded, nutritious meal.

Watch Portion Sizes: Although potatoes are filling, it’s important to keep an eye on portion sizes to maintain a balanced diet. A medium-sized potato (about the size of a computer mouse) is a good reference for one serving.

Incorporate a Variety of Potatoes: Benefit from the different nutrients found in various types of potatoes by including a mix of sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, and white potatoes in your diet.

Understand Glycemic Index (GI): Recognize that different potato varieties and preparation methods affect the glycemic index of the meal. For a lower GI, choose sweet potatoes and consume them with a source of healthy fats or proteins.

Enjoy Potatoes in Moderation: While potatoes are nutritious, they should be consumed in moderation within a diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins to ensure a broad intake of essential nutrients.

So, the good news is that potatoes are gluten-free. The pitfalls to watch out for, are the same ones that could apply to any food. Watch out for gluten in processed foods (if it has a label, then check it) and keep everything in balance.

Why not explore our range of gluten-free products to help you build your gluten-free store cupboard?

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Gluten Free Products Wholesalers”.
See original article:- Is There Gluten in Potatoes?

Getting the Best From Gluten-Free Pasta

gluten free pasta

Gluten free pasta can be a bit of a hit and miss affair. But with a bit of know how and a really good basic sauce you will wonder why you never made the switch sooner.

Next to bread, pasta must be the most missed menu item when going gluten-free. Possible the quickest and easiest meal to put together on the planet, as well as satisfying and cheap to make, pasta has earned its place in our recipe repertoire. But what happens when you decide to give up gluten; what on earth will fill that gaping pasta shaped hole?

What is gluten free pasta made from?

Again, it is the very qualities of wheat and its resident gluten that make pasta the success that it is. A lot of commercial gluten-free pasta is made from corn, and whilst it does hold its shape and texture well, the proliferation of corn in gluten free products is leading it into the same difficult territory as modern wheat.

But there are alternatives, and the eating quality of gluten-free pasta has come a long way. As we saw in our article on gluten free flours, quinoa and rice have significant amounts of protein that make them robust enough to make pasta, and sorghum is also ideal.

There are now completely grain free pasta options available too.

The trick with gluten free pasta is careful cooking. The timing on the manufacturer label may not be entirely accurate so you may want to be flexible with this. Nobody wants overcooked gluey pasta, but gluten free pasta is far less forgiving than the wheat variety.

Cook your gluten free pasta in a large pan with plenty of room, and lots of salt in the water. Keep it over a high heat on a rolling boil. Once the pasta begins to soften, keep checking it every few minutes. As it approaches the almost done stage, keep checking more frequently. You want to drain it before you think it is ready, when it is still a little firm. Then, drain it quickly, toss it in hot sauce, and serve immediately.

Try these organic quinoa rice pasta shells

Or this organic quinoa rice penne

This organic spaghetti is made from sorghum

Try this organic sorghum fusilli

Go grain free with this edamame and mung bean fettucine

Great pasta needs great sauce

A great sauce can change the way you look at pasta forever. Once you go down the road of gluten free, chances are that you will start scrutinising the food that you eat more and more. Food and ingredients that once were perfectly acceptable are suddenly unveiled as the chemical concoctions that they really are. The answer? Make it yourself.

The basic tomato sauce could not be simpler. Made from just a handful of ingredients, it is a prime example of letting simplicity shine. Make a big batch and freeze it in portions to use as a base for your pasta sauces, or just as a sauce in its own right. It is also an excellent starting point for maximising flavour in stews and braises, and any other tomato based dishes.

The best basic tomato sauce recipe

A good tomato sauce should be all about the tomatoes. Onions add sweetness and acidity, whilst the sundried tomatoes are there for texture. The oil makes it glossy and rich. Interestingly if your sauce is bitter at the end of cooking, as tomato sauce often is, try adding more salt not the usually suggested pinch of sugar. Add the salt a pinch at a time until you can taste the sauce has rounded out. You will end up with a far better balanced and complex savoury sauce than if you added a pinch of sugar.

1 x onion, chopped

2 x cloves garlic, whole

2 x bay leaves

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tsp flaked sea salt

2 tbsp organic tomato paste

150g organic sundried tomatoes, chopped

2 x 680g organic tomato and basil passata 

  1. Place a large saucepan over a medium low heat and add half of the olive oil.
  2. Add the onions with the salt, garlic and bay leaves. Cook gently, stirring occasionally until softened yet not browned.
  3. Add the tomato puree and stir for a few minutes.
  4. Add the sundried tomatoes and the passata, along with the rest of the oil. Fill the passata bottle with water and add this too.
  5. Bring to a simmer and then lower the heat (probably as low as it is will go) so the sauce very gently bubbles.
  6. Simmer the sauce this way for at least an hour.
  7. When the sauce it ready, the liquid will have reduced by about a third and you can see the change in the texture. Instead of simmering, the bubbles start to form craters that pop and start making a mess of your hob.
  8. Batch up into portions and freeze.

Matching your pasta to your sauce

Long thin pasta types need nothing more than a slick of sauce so the above tomato sauce works great just as it. Chunky pasta types like penne work well with a chunky sauce so here you can get creative and use your basic tomato sauce as a base. Try heating it in a shallow saucepan, and adding a can of tuna, a handful of mussels and a few olives. Finish with an extra slick of oil and a handful of chopped fresh parsley. Or why not fry off some chopped peppers and mushrooms before adding a portion of your basic sauce? These are just two ways that you can build on the basic sauce, and get great pasta every time!

Want to learn more? Start with this introduction to gluten-free food.

Explore our range of gluten-free groceries, available to order online. Why not buy in bulk to take advantage of wholesale prices?

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Gluten Free Grocery wholesalers”.
See original article:-

How to Make Gluten-Free Brownies

gluten free brownies

One of the easiest introductions to gluten-free baking is the brownie. Why? Because your classic squidgy soft brownie contains very little flour. And what little flour is there, is to create bulk and solidity rather than harness the properties of gluten.

Gluten free baking and healthy baking are two separate issues and, although they often merge, in this article we will explore purely the gluten free aspect of making brownies and leave the rest of the ingredients as they would be in a classic brownie.

Choosing the right gluten-free flour

We talked a lot about choosing the right flour in our article on gluten free flours, so let’s recap that information to figure out what kind of flour we want for our gluten free brownie.

A brownie recipe contains anywhere between 10% to 15% flour. It is folded in very gently right at the end for two very good reasons. One, so as to keep the air that is incorporated by whisking sugar and eggs. Two, so as not to OVERWORK THE GLUTEN. That bit is important, it gives us a good clue that using gluten free flour may work in our favour.

So, the flour in our brownie is there to add solidity and stability to our mixture of whisked eggs and sugar, plus the melted chocolate and butter. It is the eggs and the sugar that give most of the structure to our brownie. The final texture is as much to do with the baking time as it is the ingredients themselves.

Because right now what we are doing is trying to replicate our classic brownie as closely as possible by simply switching out wheat for something without gluten, we can ignore all the flours that might bring in interesting flavour. Quinoa flour, or buckwheat flour, could add some interesting flavour to our flavour profile, but really what we are looking for is that same neutral base that we get with wheat flour.

Also, because we are not trying to replicate any of the properties of gluten, we don’t need to look at the higher protein flours that we would need to use in breadmaking.

All of this tells us that the best thing to use will be one of neutral tasting gluten free flour blends. Let’s use this one…

Gluten free flour blend

200g white rice flour

40g potato starch

20g tapioca flour

The thing we need to watch out for with gluten free brownies is that they remain moist. One of the pressure points of gluten free baking is that gluten free flours can absorb a lot of liquid, resulting in a dry, crumbly bake.

How to Make Brownies

Before we move on to our gluten free brownie recipe, let’s first consider some of the ins and outs of making classic brownies.

Other than a deep chocolatey taste, a brownie is all about texture. Words like fudgy, squidgy, and chewy spring to mind. The temperature of the oven and the length of the bake make a big difference here, but it is also about the ratios of ingredients.

Keep the flour content low

The first consideration is keeping that flour to an absolute minimum. Too much flour (gluten free or otherwise) is what makes a brownie cakey.

Choose the right chocolate

The chocolate that you use is important. Use the best quality chocolate that you can afford. Most people will tell you to use 70% cocoa content chocolate. Yet you need to bear in mind that chocolate also contains sugar. Using a dark dark chocolate may require more sugar in the recipe. If you alter the cocoa content of the chocolate that you use then this will impact the amount of sugar that you need. So it is a play off between chocolate intensity and sugar. The amount of chocolate will also affect the solidity of the final bake.

Sugar in a brownie is important. Obviously you do not want it to be too sweet. You do however want that classic brownie cracked top and a structure that will hold up with the minimum amount of flour.

Use unsalted good quality butter

The amount of butter that goes into your brownie is also important. If you think about butter being solid at room temperature, and also think about the solid slow melting texture of a chocolate ganache (which is made from chocolate and butter) then you see how butter contributes to that final fudgy texture. Use unsalted, good quality butter.

So the perfect brownie is all about getting the ideal ratios of just four ingredients; chocolate, butter (wet ingredients) flour and sugar (dry ingredients).

It is also about finding a happy medium of temperature. Baking at a lower temperature of 160C allows the inside to set and become fudgy without drying out the outside. On the other hand, baking at a higher temperature creates that all important crackly crust. The issue with drying on the outside is that it starts to enter cakey territory at the edges. We aim to hit the sweet spot of both these scenarios, beginning at a lower temperature for most of the bake, with a boost nearer the end to create the crust.

Recipe for gluten free brownie

The recipe we have come up with for our gluten free brownie aims to be solid, yet not cakey, and fudgy rather than squidgy.

150g 50% chocolate

75g 70% chocolate

150g unsalted butter

3 large eggs

225g caster sugar

90g gluten free flour blend (see above)

20g cocoa powder

  1. Grease and line a 20cm square baking pan.
  2. Pre heat the oven to 160C.
  3. Place the butter in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and melt.
  4. Turn off the heat, remove the bowl, and stir in the chocolate until it melts. It should melt in the heat of the butter, but if not just put the bowl back over the hot water.
  5. Leave aside to cool.
  6. Using an electric beater at high speed (free standing or handheld) whisk the eggs and sugar together for about 7 minutes or until they triple in volume and become pale and fluffy. Whisk in the chocolate mixture at a slower speed until combined.
  7. Very gently, fold in the flour, salt, and cocoa powder until just combined.
  8. Pour the batter into your prepared tin and bake on the centre shelf for 15 minutes at 160C, then turn up the heat to 180C and bake for a further 8 minutes. When you insert a skewer, it should come out with just a little of the mixture sticking to it.
  9. Leave to cool completely in the tin, before turning out and slicing. It is best left overnight in the fridge before eating, in order to let the slightly sandy texture of the rice flour settle down.
  10. The brownie will keep in an airtight container for up to a week, in or out of the fridge. It is particularly good eaten straight from the fridge, and the texture improves with age.



Explore our range of gluten free flours, and other healthy baking ingredients.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Gluten Free ingredients Suppliers”.
See original article:- How to Make Gluten-Free Brownies

Gluten in Grains. Could Grain-Free be the Answer for Many?

a selection of grains

Gluten in grains. It is fairly straightforward right? By now we understand which grains contain gluten, which are gluten-free, and which are not even grains at all. Yet it turns out that it is not that simple, and that things are never quite what they seem.

In this article we delve deeper into the subject of gluten in grains and consider why, for many, going completely grain-free may be the answer.

The gluten-free gold standard

Once was a time when gluten-free wasn’t actually a thing for most of us. Unless blighted by coeliac disease or a severe allergy to wheat, we could quite happily have our cake and eat it.

For those who suffered from the consequences of eating wheat and associated glutens, it was necessary to follow a gluten-free diet. Which back in the day was a lot less complicated. Gluten-free alternatives were available, yet nowhere near as widespread as they are today.

The market for gluten-free foods (as oppose to naturally gluten-free produce) came about in response to greater demand from the coeliac community. The entire body of gluten-free literature and law was defined by the specifics of coeliac disease. Which is great. When it comes to the question of allergens, people need to understand the severity of such a disease.

What triggers coeliac disease?

It is widely accepted that a coeliac reaction is triggered by the gluten proteins in the Triticeae family of grains; wheat, barley and rye. Specifically, the storage proteins known as prolamines, and glutelins. The chemistry is complex, as chemistry tends to be, but it also involves levels of particular amino acids, including glutamine and proline.

The point here is that in many (most) countries the measurements that allow foods to be labelled as gluten-free are based upon these specific proteins, in accordance with the lowest levels that may trigger a coeliac response. So far, so good.

Gluten in grains

But here’s the thing. There is gluten in ALL grains. Part of the unique genetic make-up that defines a true cereal grain is the presence of prolamines. Those gluten storage proteins which help the seed to sprout.

In wheat, it is gliadin.

In barley, it is hordein.

In rye, it is secalin.

In oats, it is avenin.

In rice, it is orzenin.

In maize, it is zein.

And in sorghum, it is kaferin.

In theory, although the jury is still out on oats, other than the proteins in wheat, barley, and rye, none of these trigger a reaction in those with coeliac disease. Which is why rice, oats, maize, and sorghum, are all designated gluten-free. EVEN THOUGH they do actually all contain gluten proteins.

Can the gluten in all grains cause a reaction?

It must first be said that there are many good things about grains. We have no intention of vilifying any food and if you are considering eliminating any foods from your diet then it should be with good reason. Nutrition is rarely straightforward and there are times when the benefits can outweigh the risks. Careful consideration is key.

But yes, the gluten in all grains has the potential to cause a reaction. Each type is different, just as we are all different. Rice, for instance is considered to be the most benign grain of all. Yet some people do have an inflammatory reaction. Corn, alongside rice, finds its way into most gluten-free alternative foods such as pasta or bread, yet has a high protein content that has been shown to trigger sensitivities in a huge number of people.

It is now understood that what may be safe for many coeliacs, can indeed trigger a response in those with a gluten allergy, or sensitivity. And that the reasons that people seek out information, or gluten-free products, may not necessarily be confined to our current definitions and understanding.

Take a look at our introduction to gluten free food. Or explore our range of gluten-free groceries.

This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Gluten Free Cereals Manufacturer”.
See original article:- Gluten in Grains. Could Grain-Free be the Answer for Many?

Gluten free grains – a guide

gluten free grains

Gluten is the name given to a family of proteins found in grains. These grains each contain different gluten proteins; known structurally as prolamins. It is these prolamins, and their particular composition, that can trigger the allergic response or sensitivity associated with gluten.

Does grain free mean gluten free?

But if gluten comes from grains, surely it follows that eliminating grains from your diet automatically means it is gluten free. Unfortunately it is not that simple.

For a start, not all grains contain gluten. There are many choices when it comes to gluten free grains.

Gluten contamination – hidden gluten

But wheat is everywhere. It can be processed in the same place as your gluten free grains. In which case, cross contamination may occur. For the coeliac, the merest trace of gluten is enough to trigger a painful reaction. If your gluten free product does not state that has been certified gluten free, then there is every chance it has come into contact with gluten at some stage of its journey.

Wheat may be an unexpected ingredient. Just because you would not expect a product to have wheat in its ingredients does not mean it has been made without wheat. So always check the label.

Then there are wheat derivatives, or wheat that has cross contaminated the ingredients of the ingredients. Sometimes the gluten won’t even be on the label.

A product that is certified gluten free will have been tested for gluten levels within the product and passed a certain benchmark. If it isn’t labelled gluten-free then there is every chance that gluten lurks somewhere.

Are oats gluten free?

And then there are oats. A point of confusion if ever there was one. Here’s the thing: oats have a very low level of gluten content, but are NOT technically Gluten Free. So in Australia oats cannot be marketed as gluten free. Strangely, in Europe, and in the USA, oats can be labelled as gluten free if they have not been cross contaminated by any traces of wheat or other potential sources of gluten.

But oats do contain prolamins. They are generally considered to be safe for those with gluten intolerance, but they are there and oats are NOT safe for coeliacs . You can find out more about the oat gluten avenin in our article ‘Gluten Free Oats Dont Exist’.


Which grains are gluten free?

When it comes to gluten-free grains there are many options. As standalone ingredients they provide great gluten free alternatives, yet rising demand has made gluten free products far more widely available. This means that you may find these grains listed on ingredients labels and it is always helpful to be able to identify them.

Is rice gluten free?

Yes, rice is gluten free. Brown rice is more nutritionally dense than white rice, yet white rice is important staple food that provides a cheap source of carbohydrate and protein. The husk of brown rice contains essential fatty acids that can help lower cholesterol, as well as fibre. Brown rice is a rich source of minerals, including magnesium which has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels. Don’t forget other types of rice such as wild rice and red rice. They are both gluten free, and have impressive nutritional credentials.

Is quinoa gluten free?

Yes, quinoa is gluten free. Quinoa is not strictly a cereal grain, yet we group it amongst grains nonetheless. Regarded as a bit of a superfood, quinoa is not only packed with protein but contains all the essential amino acids, which is not unheard of but quite rare in the plant world. A great source of heart healthy omega-3 which is known to reduce LDL cholesterol, quinoa is also abundant in vitamin E and other antioxidant compounds. There are two types of quinoa; red and white. Red quinoa is a good source of anthocyanins, the antioxidant pigments that give red colour to plants.

Is buckwheat gluten free?

Yes, buckwheat is gluten free. Another grain that is not a true cereal, buckwheat (like rice) is is great for blood sugar control. A source of slow release carbohydrates, it also contains the duo of magnesium and manganese that regulate blood sugar levels. Buckwheat is also a rich source of fibre as well as essential amino acids. Another heart healthy gluten free grain, it is full of antioxidant phytonutrients. To prepare buckwheat, boil it like rice. It can also be sprouted and eaten raw.

Is maize gluten free?

Yes, maize is gluten free. Maize, also known as corn or sweetcorn, is actually a true cereal. Because we eat it in its fresh form, it is easy to think of it as a vegetable, but it is one of the world’s most abundant cereal grains. A gluten-free grain at that. In terms of the gluten question, think cornflour (and its variation masa harina) and corn flakes. Traditional stoneground masa harina, as oppose to the white powder we thicken gravy with, retains its rich nutrient content; including many B vitamins. Fresh sweetcorn contains soluble fibre that helps regulate blood sugar and also carotenoids that support eye health. And of course; popcorn.

Is millet gluten free?

Yes, millet is gluten free. Millet is a true cereal grain. A globally important food source, and not just for budgies, it is said to be one of the most easily digestible and least allergenic grains available. Rich in minerals and vitamins, high in protein, and a great source of fibre, millet may just be one of the most overlooked gluten free grains there is. It also contains tryptophan, the amino acid found in turkey and lettuce that helps promote restful sleep. Millet is sold as grains that can be soaked or roasted before boiling, and also as a flour. It can be sprouted for eating raw. And like many grains it can be popped or puffed.

Is sorghum gluten free?

Yes, sorghum is gluten free. Sorghum belongs to the same family as the millets, and is sometimes used (and even sold) interchangeably. It shares a nutritional profile with millet.

So, what grains do have gluten in them?

The gluten containing grains have all been part of the breadmaking repertoire for centuries. Barley and rye were being used long before it was discovered that wheat had particular properties that made it the ideal grain for baking. And THE staple food. It was advances in farming, processing, and manufacturing, that eventually rendered it unrecognisable, as well as possibly the most widely used commodity on Earth.

Is barley gluten free?

Barley does contain gluten proteins, known as hordeins. Barley is still unsuitable for those with gluten issues yet is considered to be far lower in gluten than wheat. It has a number of nutritional benefits, beyond a high fibre content, and is thought to support healthy gut bacteria. Some of the fibre content of barley is soluble, so it helps to maintain steady blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Barley can be used as other grains, but is particularly beneficial when sprouted. Barleygrass is full of green goodness and antioxidants.

Is rye gluten free?

Rye also contains gluten, with prolamins known as secalins. Like barley it is not suitable for those with gluten issues, but does have lower levels of gluten than wheat. Rye is particularly good at controlling blood sugar levels and regulating the appetite. A nutrient dense, albeit gluten containing grain, rye has high levels of minerals, vitamins and antioxidant compounds.

Ancient grains

Strictly speaking, most grains are ancient as they have been around since man first started cultivating crops. Many of the grains we now see as commonplace but until a few years ago were largely unheard of have been part of traditional diets for thousands of years.

But it is our mistrust of modern wheat that led us to seek out alternative grains. Even rye and barley, which both contain gluten, have seen an upsurge in popularity. Many believe that the huge rise in gluten intolerance can be attributed to the protein content of modern mass produced wheat. And it is this that has placed grains such as sorghum and buckwheat so firmly on the mainstream table.

Yet when we talk about ancient grains, what we are generally referring to is particular types of wheat. The wheat that we now cultivate bears little resemblance to the wheat that we once grew. Our efforts to increase yield and provide resistant crops have resulted in a plant that has a very different DNA to earlier strains of wheat. Modern wheat is shown to have far more gluten proteins in its genetic structure, and many feel that this is causing the rise of gluten sensitivity.

Ancient forms of wheat do contain gluten, yet the molecular structure is different to that of modern wheat.

Is spelt gluten free?

Spelt does contain gluten. An ancient variety of wheat, spelt is more robust and harder to refine than wheat. It contains more soluble fibre than modern wheat and is efficient at controlling blood sugar and lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Spelt has more protein than standard wheat and is a rich source of B vitamins and minerals. The grains can be cooked like rice and other wholegrains, and is readily available as flour. Even with its gluten content, spelt is more easily digestible than modern wheat.


Explore our full range of gluten free products, available to buy in bulk online.


This article was reproduced on this site with permission from the “Healthy Cereal Bulk Wholesalers”.
See original article:- Gluten Free Grains Guide


Kind Nut Bars now distributed by Mulberry Tree Fine Foods

Mulberry Tree are pleased to present Kind Nut Bars in our online store. These healthy snack bars are loaded with natural wholefood goodness. A good source of protein and fiber and really tasty and filling. They are great for kids lunch boxes and a nice TV snack so keep a pack handy in your pantry.

Kind Nut Bars Flavor Variations

There are four great flavor variations in Kind bars as follows:-

Almond & Coconut
Almond & Coconut Kind bars contain 32% Almonds, 27% Coconut and is rich in healthy fats to sustain longer.

Caramel Almond & Sea Salt
Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Kind nut bars contain 64% wholesome almond nuts plus a dash of caramel with a sprinkle of sea salt, its a super combo of satisfaction.

Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt
Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Kind Bars contain whole nuts drizzled with dark chocolate and sprinkled with sea salt. It is a simple wholefood recipe, but its packed with nutrition & flavor.

Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate.
Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Kind bars contains nuts blended with peanut butter and drizzled in dark chocolate. I is a becomes a tasty combination thats really satisfying, and peanut butter is a flavor that tastes great all round.

Gluten Free Suitable for Coeliacs

Kind bars are all gluten free so are suitable for coeliacs. Made from natural wholefood ingredients Kind bars can boost your protein levels with good levels protein per 40g Bar. They are also a nutritious and delicious nut snack bar. Kind bars all contain no artificial colours, flavors or preservatives. Goodness wrapped up and ready for a snack when you need a boost.

Order your 40g Kind bars, along with  your gourmet granola, in a bulk pack of 12 from Mulberry Tree Fine Foods through our parent company’s online grocery store at Opera Foods.


Crispy Apple Paleo A Gluten Free Muesli Nice Benefits

Crispy apple paleo is a product of Mulberry Tree. Whilst it is primarily a paleo muesli or granola it is also a gluten-free muesli or granola. Mulberry Tree is a wholesale granola manufacturer as well as a subsidiary of wholesale food suppliers in Australia. The business was established in the year of 1988 in Australia. The company produces a wide range of muesli from natural wholefood ingredients including dried fruits, grains, and nuts. It can be available in a independent grocery retailers in Australia and people can buy it direct from our online store.

People can make several kinds of authentic breakfast cereal dishes with the help of crispy apple paleo including apple galette, where it makes a nice sprinkle topping. Mulberry Tree manufactures a wide range of other granola and muesli products. Crispy apple paleo is a healthy paleo granola that does not include cereal grains and so remains a gluten free granola that is tasty and crunchy  and chewy.
The products is distributed in Australia by parent company Opera Foods.

Benefits of Having Crispy Apple Paleo as a Breakfast Meal

A paleo diet provides the perfect healthy balance to the immune system of our body and energizes our mind. They have a wide range of benefits like maintaining the sugar intake on our regular diets, weight loss and helps people with diabetes to a great extent. The Paleo breakfast products are made up of natural wholefoods which are processed from certified HACCP premises.

The Crispy Apple Paleo is made up of a mixture of different high protein seed,  and dry fruits. The ingredients used in making a packet of Crispy Apple Paleo are Dried Apples, Dried Cranberries, Dried Apple, shredded coconut, Pepitas, etc.

Mulberry Tree offers crunchy wholesale Granola and Muesli for your perfect breakfast diet. We deliver healthy breakfast cereal to retailers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane overnights.

The Crispy and Crunchy Breakfast for Paleo Lovers

The Crispy Apple Paleo by Mulberry Tree brand is a true paleo mix which is specially made for Paleo lovers. This is ideally the best handmade Paleo mix which is found in Australia and it is also Gluten Free. The advantages of having Crispy Apple Paleo for breakfast is they are made up of real fruit pieces and does not contain cereal grains.  The combo is gluten free and made up of real dried fruits such as Dried Apples, Dried Cranberries, Almond Flakes, Coconut, Honey, Baking Powder, Linseed and Vanilla Powder. Every crispy crunchy bite of the Crispy Apple Paleo breakfast cereal is nice and tasty your husband and children will love its fresh chewy taste.

Mulberry Tree is a recognized and famous muesli brands Australia.  You can also order high-quality wholesale granola and muesli from our online store. We also deliver orders in bulk for retailers from our warehouse in NSW, Australia.