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Gluten Free Paleo Muesli Now at IGA Wentworthville

Crispy Apple Paleo - Gluten Free Muesli

Crispy Apple Paleo – Gluten Free Muesli

IGA Marketplace Wentworthville Point is a new IGA store at the booming new subdivision of Wentworth Point, right opposite the ferry wharf.

They have a great range of Gourmet food products including Mulberry Tree brand, Crispy Apple Paleo which is also naturally gluten free.

An Easy Healthy Breakfast

Crispy Apple Paleo whilst clearly a muesli, is more like a granola as its toasted and crispy. Its also Low Sugar with No added sugar. Crispy Apple Paleo is a very healthy breakfast cereal without the cereal grains.  So its an easy healthy breakfast.
Crispy Apple Paleo comes in a 500g resealable zip-seal foil lined pouch for consumer convenience and freshness.

If you live near Wentworth Point by the Olympic park area stop into IGA Marketplace Wentworthville, which also includes a great fresh seafood counter a huge deli, a coffee shop, a fish and chip shop,  all in-house and a of course a massive grocery range.

NB: Mulberry Tree is a subsidiary of food manufacturer/wholesaler Opera Foods Pty Ltd

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