Mulberry Tree Paleo Gluten Free with Acai Berry Paste

acai berry paste with Mulberry Tree paleo granola & bananas
Mulberry Tree brand makes a delicious gluten free paleo granola that is naturally healthy with no added sugar yet a touch sweet from the natural sugars in the dried fruits.
This serving is topped with Acai Berry paste from Amazon Power.
100g of Mulberry Tree “Crispy Apple Paleo ” – Gluten Free granola
1 cup of Almond Milk
1/3 of a banana
2 teaspoons of Amazon Power organic Acai Berry Powder
Mix the Acai berry powder into a few drops of water and stir it into a pulp. (alternately you can sprinkle it on to top). Add the granola and almond milk to a bowl top with the Acai Berry paste and add a few slices of fresh banana.
Acai Berry is slightly tart so eating it together with the tasty granola and banana makes an easy healthy breakfast enjoyable and together its makes a very health cereal breakfast even more potent with plenty of antioxidants.
Buy it online from our online shop linked to our parent companies (Opera Foods wholesale food suppliers ) secure merchant website.
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